4 Tips On Downsizing For Empty Nesters


February 13, 2023

Couple downsizing their home with these tips!

Have you started to look around your home and notice it just seems too big? Downsizing for empty nesters can be tough. You have a lot of memories in your home and may not be ready to let go. Here are some tips on how to get started and ease into the downsizing process.  

1.     Declutter your home now before downsizing

When you start to think about downsizing, that is the time to start decluttering your current home. That way, you are not in a rush when you are ready to start looking for a new home and throw away something important to you. First, survey the contents of your home. Are there items that you have not used in years? Pick one of those items every month or so and decide to donate or throw it away. This will speed up your moving process when the time comes.

2.     Section out what you are keeping, throwing away, and donating

A great way to stay organized as you are moving is to create three categories. One category is for items you are keeping, another for throwing away, and one for donating. As you sort through your personal items, these categories will help you reduce your belongings to fit in your downsized home. When thinking about throwing an item away, make sure that it isn’t usable. There are a lot of people in need, and a great way to give back is to donate those items that have been lightly used and are still functioning tools. Velocity Community supports many organizations in need, click here for some ideas of who to donate to. Rehoming some of your personal items may be easier than throwing them away.

3.     See what heirlooms people actually want

Do you have personal objects that you haven’t gotten rid of because you’re planning on passing them down to your children? The real question is whether your children still want them. You may be holding on to things that your children wouldn’t use anymore. For example, you have a doll that your child used when they were little and saved it for when they have kids of their own. Your child now does not need it for one reason or the other. It is time to donate that doll to a family that needs it. You would be amazed at how much room opens up as you start to clear away the excess objects.  

4.     Hold off on purchasing more while downsizing

As you work on downsizing, don’t buy more items. It is always fun to go out and shop for new things. At this point in your life, your goals have changed to holding onto less, so you don’t want to purchase more things as you succeed at decluttering your home. With the limitations on buying more items, the extra benefit is that you will reduce your spending and save more money!

With these tips, you will be ready to purchase your new home in no time and have plenty of room for the personal items you decide to keep. When you are ready to downsize to a new home, reach out to one of our Mortgage officers, and they will be happy to get you started on your new journey!

Source: Business Insider