Wants vs. Needs: Navigating Youth Spending Habits


April 05, 2024

Understanding the Difference

Understanding the difference between wants and needs is crucial for youth as they navigate the world of personal finance. Let’s dive into this important topic and explore practical tips to help youth make informed spending decisions.

Wants vs. Needs: Wants are things we desire but can live without, such as the newest video game or the latest TikTok “must have” trend. Needs, on the other hand, are essential for survival and well-being, such as food, shelter, and clothing. Learning to distinguish between wants and needs is the first step towards responsible spending.

Here are some practical tips:

Prioritize: Encourage your child to prioritize their spending by focusing on meeting their “needs” first before indulging in “wants”. This helps ensure that essential expenses are covered before optional ones.

Budget Wisely: Teach youth the importance of budgeting and allocating their money towards both needs and wants. By creating a budget, they can plan their spending and avoid overspending on unnecessary items.

Delay Gratification: Encourage youth to practice delayed gratification by waiting before making impulse purchases. This allows them to evaluate whether the item is truly a need or just a want.

Evaluate Value: Help them evaluate the value of their purchases by considering factors such as longevity, usefulness, and enjoyment. Encourage them to prioritize purchases that provide long-term benefits or align with their values and goals.

Set Limits: Establish boundaries around spending by setting limits on “wants”. This could involve setting a monthly allowance for wants or a waiting period before making non-essential purchases.

By prioritizing needs, budgeting wisely, practicing delayed gratification, evaluating value, and setting limits, your child can make informed spending decisions that support their financial well-being. Empower them to take control of their finances and make choices that align with their values and goals. With these skills, they’ll be better equipped to navigate the complexities of personal finance and build a solid foundation for their future financial success.